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24/25 Incoming 6th Grade Information

Dear Parents and Caregivers of Rising 6th Graders,

It is hard to believe it is time to begin planning for your student’s transition to 6th grade.  On behalf of the staff, I am very excited to welcome your child to Miles River Middle School.  As middle school educators, we know that the transition from fifth to sixth grade is an exciting one, but it is also full of many unknowns.  In order to help alleviate any potential uncertainty surrounding the move to middle school, we have a number of activities prepared for you and your child.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, or to let us know of anything that may be on your mind as you prepare for this exciting time in your child’s life.

Zach Best, Ed.D.
Principal, MRMS
5th Grade Parent Night
Parents and caregivers will gather at the middle school to learn about the program of studies, schedule, extracurricular opportunities, and “everything middle school.”  There will be time for a Q&A session, as well as a tour of the building.  This is a highly-anticipated, well-attended event!  Parents and caregivers are encouraged to attend in person, but are welcome to join either session virtually as needed.
May 2nd: 6:00pm - 7:00pm in person, and streamed via Zoom

May 3rd: 8:00am - 9:00am virtual only 

Move-Up Day
5th grade students visit the middle school to be officially welcomed as members of the Miles River community.  Students will meet administration, counselors, teachers, and other important staff.   They will learn about the middle school experience, and will have an opportunity to visit classrooms, the cafeteria, and more.  A panel of current Miles River students will provide a student perspective of life at Miles River and will answer student questions as well.  This will take place in June.  
6th Grade Orientation - August 30th

This full day event, led by our peer leaders, gives our new 6th grade students an opportunity to acclimate to the middle school when no other students are in the building.  Students will visit their classrooms and meet their teachers, and will also participate in a number of team building activities.  Bus transportation and a cookout lunch will be provided.


middle school students highfiving