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Lunch Menu / Nutritional Services

We now are serving breakfast and lunchFREE  for all students for this school year!

The mission of the Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District Nutrition Services is to prepare nutritious and appealing meals for the school community and to provide the students with nutrition education for lifelong healthy eating habits.

The menus are planned to meet the required state and federal requirements which are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. Menus are created monthly and reflect the students' tastes by offering the choices most popular to students.

A qualifying breakfast meal must have 3 out of the 4 following components: whole grain, fruits, vegetables and milk. A qualifying lunch meal must have 3 out of the 5 following components: whole grain, meat/meat alternate, fruits, vegetables and milk.

Please note that even though meals will be free for all students, it is still important that families fill out the Meal Application for free and reduced price meals for the 2024-2025 school year. Completing this form may bring added benefits to those who qualify and helps our district receive more federal funding.

A variety of snacks are offered at schools for purchasing. All of our snacks meet the Massachusetts Nutrition Standards for Competitive Foods and Beverages in Public Schools and the USDA's Smart Snacks nutritional standards.

Summer EBT



School Menus

MealViewer program is a powerful tool for parents, staff and students. See what’s being served at school right now. From nutritional information, allergens, favorite foods, school announcements, and special menu item information. Get updates in real-time as menu changes are made and stay up to date on all the dietary information.

MealViewer User Guide


Eleni Burns
Director of Nutrition Services

Thein Oo
High School Manager

Laura Wallick
Miles River Middle Manager

Susan Newth
Winthrop Elementary Manager

Donna Stephens
Cutler Elementary Manager

Kimberly Allen
Buker Elementary Manager